
Inspiration time

I’d like to share with you a small moment filled with inspiration that is part of my favorite self tradition - to take some me time and get recharged and inspired. And what inspires me? Art, always. It could be a drawing, movie, song, photograph, also a magazine page with some kind of innovative graphic design composition or a great piece of writing. It could even be a nice fragrance or a great fashion item especially when I’m watching a runway show because so much design work and ideas and creativity is put in literally any product or project - it’s astonishing. Basically art inspires me to make more art. And it’s a vicious circle of art that I adore.

I usually use my days off work to enjoy and explore quality art and also create some pieces of my own. Last week was no exception and I made my best to devote time to my favorite things. And here are some photos I’d like to share with you.


I have been in love with Vogue magazine since forever. I remember when I was very little and couldn’t read the articles but I loved flipping through my mom’s magazines and getting lost in the beauty of the photographs.

Chanel is a brand I truly love. It’s minimalistic classy concept, the strong women image they represent and empower, Coco’s eternal style, Karl’s new wave of trends - just everything! Whenever I am looking for some fashion inspiration, I know I can trust Chanel in everything. Just look at their couture collections and ads, pure perfection.


David Bowie is one of my favorite artists ever and the reason I say artist is because this man is literally a complete Universe of his own - form his music to his style choices and concept album work and stories, definitely a remarkable individual.


And the best way for me to arrange the inspo space was to add a bit of a mood board feeling with the photos. If you’ve been following me and my blog for some time, you already know that I am a big fan of mood boards. Well that’s because having a visual atmosphere builder that sets the mood is always welcomed and in this case the retro vibe sure is strong.

This actually resulted in me writing two rather jazzy songs which are not my usual style and made me feel that I am broadening my songwriting choices which I find amazing. Hopefully some songs are going to be ready for you soon because I already cannot wait to share them. 🖤

How about you? What inspires you? Do you enjoy creating art and of yes, what type of art?

- Nicole

Instagram is taking a step towards e-commerce with brand new “Check-out” update

The platform just launched a new update that enables users to shop directly from their feed. While up until now shopping on Instagram could only happen through redirecting customers form a brand’s account to a website, now a purchase is literally just one click away for each potential customer.

After fine-tuning its targeting to a very high extend, Instagram has set for itself a new ambitious goal – to make an big step towards facilitating shopping. The new update makes it possible for users to buy products within seconds and it is entirely cohesive with the branded content strategy and product placement features’ implementation with previous updates. The update is also fully aligned with the announcement of the platform owner company, Facebook, that its future efforts will shall indeed include and be based on development on the areas of ecommerce and payments.   

Reportedly, the app has detected that about 130 million users on a monthly basis click on product tags on posts thus identifying great sale potential. 

The payment process from the new check-out update will be possible through a Paypal partnership and users will be processing their data through a very simple form directly from a post. The product to be bought shall be tagged and also available for purchase. All you are required to fill in is an email for processing the order and a payment method. More than 20 different brands, many of which – fashion retailers, are included in the feature update and their products will be available for purchase. For providing the medium for the sale process, Instagram will charge these retailers a fee to turn a profit.

It’s really curious to wait and see what results and customer feedback generated for this update will be. Thank you for reading, expect more Insta news.

But now, go Insta shopping and then come back here to share details and opinion on the experience with me in the comments below!

Source: The Verge, Ink, CNN

- Nicole

Любими трендове от 2018 г. - @arockchicklife, @marie.andreeva, @mariamonny


Ретрото - @arockchicklife

Този тренд продължава вече доста време. По-скоро през 2018г. много ясно го виждахме с различни прояви - от атмосферата на местата, където си пием кафето, дрехите, които носим, музиката, която слушаме и все по-често медиите, които следим, за да сме информирани – от социалните мрежи, та до списанията. (П.С. дано от вас има и други освен мен, които още обичат старомодно да четат списание и да разглеждат снимките в него, защото според мен и тук, както и при книгите – изживяването е много различно и по-пълноценно на живо. )

Та защо неусетно сме заобиколени от всичко ретро? Ами, защото трендът за връщане към ретрото е популярен от няколко години, но можем да го видим в пълния му блясък точно сега. Всички модни марки, трендсетъри и дизайнери още веднага започнаха работа в тази насока, но отне време да затвърдят интересни решения с ретро привкус в поне няколко години. И сега ретро дрехи, аксесоари и мебели са буквално насякъде, накъдето погледнеш. Това пък води до супер много направени ретро покупки и докато се усетиш някоя приятелка е сложила ретро барета, а гаджето ти си купува ретро винили.

На първо място при въвеждането на тренда малко по малко, дори анти-ретро хората имат време да свикнат и да ги привлечем към тъмната страна хаха. И така ги печелим с някоя ретро корица на книга, плакат или музикален клип, а после идват първия кожух със светла подплата, някой пост с vintage ефект и готово! :D

Освен това ретро трендът се появява в комбинации с нови модерни тенденции и често е само в детайлите, заобиколен от други изчистени минималистични тренди неща. Така е в дизайна на много мебели и съответно в новите визии на кафета, места за ивенти, книжарници и други готини места, където често ходим.

Да не забравяме и важната подробност, че трендовете са най-често водени и налагани от младите хора. Тук разбира се броим всеки, който се чувства млад и се интересува от култура, изкуство, технологии, мода и т.н., но като цяло това са най-активните хора, и в социалния живот и в професионалните си проекти, които много споделят с приятелите си, обсъждат в социалните мрежи и понякога дори заради професиите си са в ситуацията сами да създават съдържание за медии, дизайн и изкуство. Така трендът навлиза чрез техните интереси, а те бързо бързо го разпространяват навсякъде. А защо те го харесват толкова и „му помагат”? Ами ако се замислим точно за тези хора, които сега са в разгара на кариерата и социалния си живот, леко ретро нещата винаги са приятен спомен за по-младите години или детството и затова са им любими.

Така е и за мен! Смятам, че това е един от най-готините трендове от много време насам. Така че дайте ми да гледам f.r.i.e.n.d.s. и Clueless, да си нося Bowie тениската и сакото с едри копчета, да си чета The Little Book of Chanel и да си мечтая замретро Leica като тези на Brad Pitt, Jude Law и Miley Cyrus.  

- Никол @arockchicklife


Без правила - @marie.andreeva

Ах, тази 2018-та... 

Това определено е година, която ще запомня! При това не само със сърдитото време и неспирните валежи, но и със свободата, която вирее навсякъде. 

Толкова много свобода да бъдем и да правим това, което на нас нас ни харесва! 2018-та определено е годината, чието единствено модно правило беше и все още е -  “Без правила”! 

Не съм очаквала да видя bicycle pants под формата на ежедневно облекло, отворени обувки с чорапи или пък пластмасови шапки, но честно казано - харесва ми! 

Не обичам да се ограничавам и фактът, че най-модерното нещо, което можеш да направиш това лято, е просто да бъдеш себе си, ме радва безкрайно много! 

Ако все пак обаче трябва да говоря за любимите ми неща, които преоткрих тази година, няма как да не спомена плетените чанти и изчистените дълги, ленени рокли! Не знам какво толкова откривам в тях, но може би е точно това, че са просто...обикновени.

Винаги ми носят онова приятно чувство на чистота, семплост и комфорт, и ми напомнят за дългите летни вечери, изпълнени с романтика и красота! 

Не мога да не спомена и факта, че все повече брандове, големи и малки, започват да произвеждат дрехи от рециклирани материали и като цяло да обръщат повече внимание на околната среда, което, разбира се, ме радва безкрайно много

С по-малко думи, за мен лято 2018-та беше една красива, модна приказка, бликаща от индивидуалност и свобода. С една дума - любов! 

- Мария @marie.andreeva


Pastels - @mariamonny

На фона на всички странни разбираеми и неразбираеми тенденции през последната година, има нещо, което не умира вече няколко лета подред, а това са именно пастелените цветове.

През последните 5-6 години гардеробът ми мина през страхотна транзиция от all black през all nude до супер шарен и цветен през лятото, с преобладаващи пастелено розови и сини нюанси и ярко червени, зелени и жълти. Макар никога да не съм се водила от глобалните модни тенденции, не мога да отрека, че се влияя от някои решения на любимите ми инфлуенсъри и трудно устоявам на някои неща, когато всички започнат да ги носят (пустите широки флорални панталони...).Затова е много win-win ситуация, когато на мода стане нещо, което и без това обожавам и нося постоянно.

От години обожавам ментата — дори стените вкъщи са такива — а бледо синьото и бледо розовото са предпочитани от мен цветове не само през пролетно-летния сезон (въпреки че по принцип изобщо не харесвам розовото, в момента имам розова раничка, яке, портмоне и любим панталон) Деликатните сладникави прасковени и розови цветове това лято бързо се превърнаха във fashion statement.

Разбира се, на седмиците на модата през пролетта именно тези цветове бяха акценти на всички подиуми, а много скоро пастелените цветове се превърнаха в тема на деня и във всички модни журнали. Когато обаче съчетаеш пастелените цветове с тропически мотиви, откриваш цяла нова вселена от възможности за цветови комбинации и аутфити (можете да видите какво имам предвид в инстаграма ми – @mariamonny)

Пастелените цветове ми носят много лятно настроение и спокойствие, не си падам по крещящи и натрапчиви цветове (освен червеното) и затова винаги те са били преобладаващи в живота ми (не само в гардероба). Вярвам, че много често една прасковена рокля и ментова чантичка могат да привлекат вниманието много повече от някой ярък цвят, без да бъдат крещящи и натрапчиви.

- Мария @mariamonny

Благодарим ви, че прочетохте нашия троен пост, а сега е време да чуем кой са вашите любими трендове от изминалата 2018-та година в коментарите. :)

Let's talk about why girl power matters.

Just a word or two from me about the positive changes in society. ♀ ♡

So let's talk about sex, one of the sexes in specific. Women.

I don't know if you know but we are currently making history. We are living in a time when we're witnessing an almost never seen before wave of empowerment and women supporting women. Which is INCREDIBLE and I just feel so lucky to have a chance to witness it. And what's even better - to contribute to it. Because YASSS sis, you rule, you rock, you can do it, you're strong, you're pretty, you're smart!

Since the dawn of time we've been seeing and experiencing the classic - women tear down women. In any way: in movies, in songs, at school, at work, in life, everywhere - and it's been awful.

sophia loren jayne mansfield mean side eye hollywood classic
hannah montana quote mean miley cyrus selena gomez
mean girls regina quote movie
the princess diaries mean quote movie
taylor swift quote girls empowerment support

But why the damn hell? Why have we chosen to show this? To do this? Why did we as a society ever even create this trend? Since it's just crap!? It has been a major deviation from good and meaningful existance. Thank God we finally found our way out. Through honest pure friendship and support!

heidi klum girl pwer quote
nicole kidman women power golden globes award awards quote speech

So I dare you: call, shout, whisper, text something supportive to another woman! Now! 3,2,1.. progress! <3


- Nicole

Why we should stop being "busy" ♥

Do you know what it is? This a sunrise you miss out while being too "busy"preparing for work, eating breakfast, scrolling through your social media.

Do you know what it is? It can be anything. That one thing you regret missing out. Come on, there's at least one that comes to mind immediately.

Think about all the things you are missing out because you're too busy doing something else which is pretty often more or less meaningless. We've all been kinda stuck in this Fight Club quote lately "We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like."

We have started talking about being busy as if it's something great. We have started showing off with not having enough time for something. And we pride ourselves in this, which is the worst. We feel important and valuable, we feel needed here and there, we feel that our lives are full of things. And at the same time we're also kinda honestly sorry that we skip parties, don't call our friends as often as we want to and we don't have "me" time.

You, me, all of us. I'm glad to have finally saw it, and I'm decided to finally fix it.

Because why the hell do we do it? We do it. It's all on us. If there's someone who can change it, it's us. Stop filling up your to do list, tell your friends you miss them, meet them, now, skip a task to go out for a walk, leave your phone at home, wake up earler and have our cup of coffee while watching the sunrise, walk barefoot in the park, watch an oldtime movie. ♥

- Nicole

My new favorite place to shop - NYX Cosmetics

The first ever NYX Cosmetics store in Bulgaria, Sofia opened doors last month and it quickly became one of my favorite places to shop. With great affordable prices and amazing products that I’ve been dreaming of for so long, it sure couldn’t be any better. <3

I couldn’t attend the grand opening of the store since I was at work all day but I made sure to visit it as soon as I could in the weekend. And let me say my visit went very well and took more than an hour haha because I just fell in love with everything and couldn’t stop looking around.

Let’s start with the cool videos playing on the screens inside and outside the store that feature some super talented and Insta famous makeup arists for example my favorite girl Leigh Dickson. Next thing to mention – all the products were so cool and I swear I’ve never seen more shades of makeup ever in my life. Although I still haven’t tried as many as I would like to, I surely will so stay tuned haha.


I bought some very useful and quality products that you’ll see in the photos below. And I also got a contour palette as a present because there was a promo campaign after the opening of the store. I’ve never contoured before because I’m not really into that trend but I occasionally use the highlighters and I like them a lot.


Thank you for reading guys. :) I’d love to hear your opinions on the store so make sure you share them in the comments.

Also do you like NYX in general? What is your favorite NYX product? What other makeup and comsetic brands do you use?


- Nicole



Easy last minute Halloween costume ideas

Not all Halloween parties call for a super expensive and impressive "I'm a special effects specialist who invested a hundred dollars in my costume" kinda look. Sometimes it's just a home party or a squad hang out and you want to come up with a pretty cool costume idea that is also both easy and cheap. And here comes this post to help you out on your important mission.

Below are 4 simple last minute Halloween costume ideas that you already have in your closet. All you need for a great look is to creatively combine some clothes and add some makeup.


A trendy and simple take on the classical favorite would feature any black badass outfit. If you have something even slightly vintage looking that's a win but just a little black dress would also do the job. To finish the look add some makeup - smokey or cat eye, red lipstick, some fake blood and fangs and you're ready to party!

Rings: H&amp;MLiquid lipstick: EssenceEyeliner: Maybelline

Rings: H&M

Liquid lipstick: Essence

Eyeliner: Maybelline

Minnie Mouse

I made this cute headband a couple years ago inspired by the ones they sale at Disneyland. It was a fun diy project, I really love how it turned out and I'm happy to wear at any given chance. I paired it with an outfit in red and black but it'd look even better with a polka dot top or dress.

Leather skirt: Terranova styleNail polish: golden RoseLip pens: H&amp;MEyeliner: Maybelline

Leather skirt: Terranova style

Nail polish: golden Rose

Lip pens: H&M

Eyeliner: Maybelline

Party at Gatsby's

Seriously everybody's favorite since the 2013 movie. I can't count how many people I've seen dressed in a 20s inspired outfit for Halloween or some themed party. And the fact that this cool look is so easy to pull off and affordable makes things even better. Any lace, sequined or fringe dress or a dress + top combo works and you can get creative with accessories.

Lace dress: SheinSeqined top: Terranova style

Lace dress: Shein

Seqined top: Terranova style

Wednesday Addams

When we talk Halloween and spooky stuff Wednesday is one of the first characters that pop up in my mind. I love this outfit because it's super easy to recreate and at the same time you know everyone will recognize the character in like 2 seconds because it's a cult movie we've all seen many many times. And let me tell you the red nail polish + black lips combo is a dream come true for everyone who loves make up so have fun with it.

Skirt and blouse: H&amp;MNail polish: Golden RoseLipstcik: EssenceEyeshadow: Bourjois

Skirt and blouse: H&M

Nail polish: Golden Rose

Lipstcik: Essence

Eyeshadow: Bourjois

Thank you for reading and I hope my ideas will help you look great this Halloween. Make sure to tell me if you used them as inspiration, what you dressed up as and how you spend Halloween in the comments below!


- Nicole




4 ways to style and wear a band t-shirt

Here are some fresh, trendy and easy to recreate looks. Hope I'm helping you style a great band tee outfit by providing you with some inspo. ❤

#1 Classic black jeans.

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :PBlack jeans: H&amp;MBoots: Tally WeijlChoker: DollskillEarrings: ASOSRings: H&amp;M, Forever21, OrsayWatch: Marc Jacobs

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :P

Black jeans: H&M

Boots: Tally Weijl

Choker: Dollskill

Earrings: ASOS

Rings: H&M, Forever21, Orsay

Watch: Marc Jacobs

style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock jewelry rings earrings watch choker jeans flatlay flatlays
style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock jewelry rings earrings watch choker jeans shoes boots flatlay flatlays

#2 Denim and shorts.

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :PDenim jacket: CalliopeBoots: Tally WeijlChoker: Amazon FashionVintage Backpack

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :P

Denim jacket: Calliope

Boots: Tally Weijl

Choker: Amazon Fashion

Vintage Backpack

style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock denim choker flatlay flatlays
style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock denim backpack leather shoes boots flatlay flatlays

#3 Badass leather shorts.

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :PLeather shorts: H&amp;MBoots: Tally WeijlChoker and Bracelets: Amazon FashionRings: H&amp;M, Orsay

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :P

Leather shorts: H&M

Boots: Tally Weijl

Choker and Bracelets: Amazon Fashion

Rings: H&M, Orsay

style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock jewelry choker shorts leather shoes flatlay flatlays
style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock shorts leather shoes boots flatlay flatlays

#4 Trendy skirt

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :PVelvet skirt: H&amp;MBoots: Tally WeijlNecklace: H&amp;MEarrings: ASOSRings: H&amp;M, Forever21, OrsayWatch: Marc Jacobs

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :P

Velvet skirt: H&M

Boots: Tally Weijl

Necklace: H&M

Earrings: ASOS

Rings: H&M, Forever21, Orsay

Watch: Marc Jacobs

style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock crushed velvet skirt jewelry choker bracelet rings shoes boots flatlay flatlays

I've been loving band tees long before it was cool and all over the internet. Now I walk around the street and there are so many teen girls casually wearing Nirvana or Arctic Monkeys tees and it's totally cool for everyone around. But let me tell you it was not that easy to pull off such a look like 10 years ago. After the 80s band craze and everybody rocking band tees all the time it gradually became less and less popular to wear them.

So there I was trying to come up with a cute band tee outfit idea in the 00s. The only people to wear band tees a lot were real metalheads, mostly men and teenboy squads, and it was not really common to see a girl wearing a band tee. Respect to all the few brave girls who proudly started this trend together with me! So yeah, it was a pretty hard task for me to rock a band tee without getting some surprised looks. Who cares tho. It was fun and I was often pairing the outfit with loud rock coming from my earplugs.

But now that it's popular and trendy to wear band tee outfits I gotta say I feel like a queen. AC/DC shirt and a leather skirt? Yes! Stones tee and high heels? Yes please! Every choice is a good choice and the braver the combo the better the outfit.

- Nicole

Alice, welcome to Dolce & Gabbana land (Milan fashion week S/S 2018)

alice dolce gabbana new collection mfw milano fashion week queen of hearts
Fragrances: Versace, Calvin Klein, Betty Berclay, Nine WestNail polish: Golden RoseSunglasses: H&amp;MRings: H&amp;MBag: Michael Kors

Fragrances: Versace, Calvin Klein, Betty Berclay, Nine West

Nail polish: Golden Rose

Sunglasses: H&M

Rings: H&M

Bag: Michael Kors

Last Sunday Dolce & Gabanna's new collection blessed the runway at #mfw #Milanofashionweek in Milano with royalty vibes, bold prints, metallic elements and overall beauty. Not only did all the outfits look great, but all the details were breathtaking. So I can guarantee you we'll be having a red+gold+queen glam spring and summer of 2018.

Lace, embroidery, sequins and shiny jewelry were the signature characteristic accents of the new collection of the brand. Game card and royalty references were everywhere to be seen - from the runway stage design to the choice of hairstyles and makeup. Dolce & Gabbana rocked the social media game with the #DGQueenOf❤️ hashtag. I watched the whole show live on Instagram and I liked it so much that I seriously couldn't help but rewatch it like twice later haha :)

Here are some of my favorite looks although I can honestly say that all the outfits looked stunning.

Dolce&Gabbana Spring Summer 2018 Women's Fashion Show. #DGSS18 #mfw #DGQueenOf❤️

A post shared by Dolce & Gabbana (@dolcegabbana) on

Dolce&Gabbana Spring Summer 2018 Women's Fashion Show. #DGSS18 #mfw #DGQueenOf❤️

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Dolce&Gabbana Spring Summer 2018 Women's Fashion Show. #DGSS18 #mfw #DGQueenOf❤️ #DGLuciaBag

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Dolce&Gabbana Spring Summer 2018 Women's Fashion Show. #DGSS18 #mfw #DGQueenOf❤️ #lamoreèbellezza

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Dolce&Gabbana Spring Summer 2018 Women's Fashion Show. #DGSS18 #mfw #DGQueenOf❤️

A post shared by Dolce & Gabbana (@dolcegabbana) on

Looking back at today’s show #DGQueenOf❤️ #DGSS18 #mfw

A post shared by Dolce & Gabbana (@dolcegabbana) on

Dolce&Gabbana Spring Summer 2018 Women's Fashion Show. #DGSS18 #mfw #DGQueenOf❤️

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- Nicole



The hot weather cannot stop me from rockin' a cool outfit. I found out that a loose top is the perfect desicion for summer days, then I combined it with a black lace bralette for a trendier and chic look. It is an H&M crushed velvet strappy top in rose gold, yes! the colour that is all over the place this summer. I really love it and I actually bought so many rose gold things lately that I'm not sure if I'll even have the time to style and wear them all :D.

Top: H&amp;MBlack Lace Bralette: ASOSLipsticks: EssenceEyeliners: Essence, L'OréalRings: H&amp;M, Forever 21Notebook: Moleskine

Top: H&M

Black Lace Bralette: ASOS

Lipsticks: Essence

Eyeliners: Essence, L'Oréal

Rings: H&M, Forever 21

Notebook: Moleskine

Soo let's take a closer look at this little arrangement. I added some jewelry because I simply can't go out without jewelry, it kinda has this magical power to make every look ten times better. I also made sure to show you the color of the top up close so I snaped a photo of the fabric.

crushed velvet rose gold top black lace bralette outfit ootd choker necklace jewelry flatlay style fashion arockchicklife
Metallic necklace: H&amp;MChoker: Dollskill

Metallic necklace: H&M

Choker: Dollskill

Now let's get to the second part. Here you can see some of my fave makeup products right now and the rings I'm wearing basically on a daily basis. So I'm using eyeliners a lot and after years of trying out different products I realized that my favorite are liquid eyeliner pens. They are so easy to use and the aplication takes only a minute, plus that the coverage is great. I hate it so much when you apply your eyeliner and it turns out looking grayish and the coverage is not good, so annoying! But I managed to find products that are really good. I am using two eyeliners depending on what look I aim for and I have an Essence Super Fine Eyeliner Pen for precise thin lines and a L'Oréal Paris Super Liner Blackbuster Eye Liner for a thick bold cateye.

crushed velvet rose gold top black lace outfit ootd jewelry lipstick rings eyeliner moleskine notebook flatlay style fashion arockchicklife

I couldn't pick which out of those lipsticks to wear because they're all in very similar shades so they're all here. :D These are Essence lipsticks btw, all in nude colours because I'm loving nudes this summer. And right next to them are some of my fave rings that I got from H&M and Forever 21. They're honestly so cute I that can't stop wearing them and they're different size so I can even stack them up.

crushed velvet rose gold top black lace outfit ootd jewelry lipstick rings eyeliner flatlay moleskine notebook style fashion arockchicklife
crushed velvet rose gold top black lace outfit ootd jewelry lipstick rings moleskine notebook flatlay style fashion arockchicklife

Another thing I really wanted to show you is my moleskine because it's with me practically all the time so it's actually part of all my outfits :D. I am a singer and songwriter and make sure to always have somewhere to write down notes and ideas. So this buddy is my best friend and it's full of rockin' lyrics you'll soon hear because I'm already working on my debut album. So stay tuned. ;)


- Nicole


july favorites accessories accessory makeup brushes beauty choker perfume flatlay flatlays

So now that July is over, it's time for taking a look at my fave things from last month. The weather was great and I got to spend lots of time strolling around town and shopping.

#1 Aaaand I finally found and bought a wrap choker and I have been in love with it eversince. I've seriously been looking for one in the past few months and I was very happy to find this cutie. It has two star pendants that are both classy and kinda playful so it actually fits my style very very well. So expect to see it a lot in my outfit Insta posts haha.

july favorites accessories accessory makeup brushes beauty choker perfume flatlay flatlays

#2 The next fave of mine is my brand new set of makeup brushes! I just love them already and I've only had them for like two weeks. I found them absolutely accidentaly but they are really soft and high quality. My makeup surely looks like ten times better now. Happy! :D

july favorites accessories accessory makeup brushes beauty choker perfume flatlay flatlays

#3 Another July favorite of mine surely is my new fragrance. It's a present from my mom and it's a Pur Blanca perfume by AVON. I have loved this scent for so long guys, I had one a couple of years ago, then got another one and soon it was my to-go perfume. It lasts really long and it's a floral fragrance great for summer.

#4 I also included here my new elastic telephone wire hand/hair band. I honestly don't know how exactly to call it so I used all the words I came up with. :D It's comfy, cute and easily goes as a bracelet. And if you suddenly decide that you want to put your hair up? Voila! you also have a hair tie.

july favorites accessories accessory makeup brushes beauty choker perfume flatlay flatlays

#5 And last but not least, another one of my July favorites is a present form my bff. It's Treacle moon's Marshmallow Heaven hand cream. No need to say it smells like marshmallows :D. I haven't tried any other products from Treacle moon yet but I definitely will be in the future because they all just smell so so good. And I'll keep you updated of course.

Now it's your turn. Do you like these? And how about your July favorites? Can't wait to read about it in the comments below. :)


- Nicole



Who doesn’t love a new lipstick?…or 2 or 5 that you don’t really need and already have in similar shades but you adore them so you get them anyway. Yeah but when you’re getting ready in the morning it always feels like “Daaamn which one do I wear today? This one doesn’t match my outfit, and my lips are to chapped for the cute matte one…Ughh!!” Right? Well, I found a way to solve this problem. Turns out that all it takes is just four essensial lipsticks. Of cource you can buy many more but these four will save you whenever you’re in a hurry or busy and will asure you always make the right choice for your lips.

I decided to give you a handy guide to how to pick these four basic lipsticks you need for beauty survival and what ocassions they are suitable for.

P.S. My faves are from Essence but I bet every brand has good alternatives. Also it turns out that some of the shades I have are out of stock right now so I can’t link them, sorry.


#1 Your lips’ best friend.

What is it? A good ol’ nude shade of a moisturising lipstick. Pick a color close to the natural color of your lips and make sure it’s not a matte lipstick because you need it to be nourishing and softening your lips. You can carry it in any bag so it’s at hand 24/7 and the best thing is that you can apply it even without a mirror.

When to wear it? It’s suitable for any ocassion honestly. It’s winter and your lips need moisturising? Great! It’s too hot and a darker color would smudge? Great! It is a good choice when you’re on the go or when you just don’t want to everdo your makeup. It also looks great paired with a smokey eye because it balances the heavy eye makeup.

#2 The Matte Queen one.

What is it? Classic Insta loved trend. I know. I know. No matter if you choose a liquid or traditional lipstick, it's gonna make any look selfie-worhty. It's best to choose a brown or brownish color, 3 or 4 shades darker than your natural lip color so that it really makes your lips pop.

When to wear it? Best for selfies! as I already said and also for going out because let's be honest it gaves that classy cool chick vibe to any outfit. For best results combine with a cat eye.

#3 The Liquid One.

What is it? Glossy and lovely and it smells like your favorite fruit. You can get creative and choose from a variety of lip glosses and moisturising liquid lipsticks. Glitter or no glitter. Colored or clear. Whatever you want! The only rule here is - choose one that makes you feel good and kissable.

When to wear it? ANY FUCKIN' TIME YOU WANT! :) (I bet it's not obvious that I just love lip glosses too much. :D )

#4 The wild color. 

What is it?  Every girl's got one favorite bold bright lipstick color. For Taylor Swift it's red, for Emma Watson it's raspberry. Just choose your fave and you're set. There are some tips and tricks that could help you find the best shades according to your skin color, hair color, eye color etc. I might write an article about this in the future so if you're interested in one let me know in comments below.

When to wear it? Just whenever you feel wild and want to try out something colorful, you feel your outfit is too plain and want to add a splash of color or something like that. Personally, when I wear a bold color I love to match it with my nail polish or some accessory.

That’s it, you’re ready to rock the world now! 💋


- Nicole



You loved the Victoria's Secret show this year? Oh, yes you did. And you'd basically sell your soul to get that bra you fell in love with? Don't be ashamed, we are all weak, we are only humans (just like Annie once said in Parent Trap). The show is such big news each year and let's be honest the Fantasy bra is always soooooo beautiful. There are always some looks I totally love and also some looks I'm not really feeling. But I just seem to love one exact thing the most - the black wings. If there is a look rockin' the black wing thing well then it's definitely my fave. They are just so cool and badass. Maleficent vibes, oh yeah!However, this year one of my fave looks happened to be a white fairy one. It's just so delicate I definitely had to include it here too. Въпреки това тази година сред любимите ми се промъкна и една изцяло бяла визия, но е толкова нежна и приказна, че не се сдържах и искам да ви покажа и нея.

So here are my fave looks from this year's show, you can check them out below. How about you? I'd love to know what your fave looks from the 2016 VS show are? Let me know in the comments below. :)

556.4k Likes, 3,547 Comments - Victoria's Secret (@victoriassecret) on Instagram: "Wanna work the crowd like @alessandraambrosio? You can shop her look & more with Runway Insider!..."

235.3k Likes, 252 Comments - Victoria's Secret (@victoriassecret) on Instagram: "Fierce & fabulous: @laisribeiro giving us Black Swan vibes. #VSFashionShow"

287.9k Likes, 369 Comments - Victoria's Secret (@victoriassecret) on Instagram: "Drama, drama, drama: @taylor_hill's gorgeous Dark Angel look post-runway. #VSFashionShow"

551.5k Likes, 1,238 Comments - Victoria's Secret (@victoriassecret) on Instagram: ""I love this silver color-it's perfect for Christmas!" - @romeestrijd on the new Dream Angels..."

570.9k Likes, 1,377 Comments - Victoria's Secret (@victoriassecret) on Instagram: "Back in black: @gigihadid & @hoskelsa backstage. #VSFashionShow"

472.1k Likes, 1,635 Comments - Victoria's Secret (@victoriassecret) on Instagram: "@sarasampaio bringing the drama backstage. 🔥#VSFashionShow"

– Nicole

She's Metal AF ⚡️


So metallics are a huge thing now. I've personally always loved them so I am happy to have a chance to enjoy them this season.✨ I thought it would be useful to give you some simple yet cool ideas on how to add a touch of metallics to your style without overdoing it ( 'cause let's be honest it's hard to resist 😜) and without spending a fortune. We already saw the metallics rule the runway in the F/W '16 fashion shows by Dior, Prada, Versace, Balmain and many more. Now the craze is in full force and believe me if they all love it, darling you love it too.

Jacket: Tally WeijlNecklace: H&amp;MChain Necklace: Terranova

Jacket: Tally Weijl

Necklace: H&M

Chain Necklace: Terranova


#2 The details make the whole picture great. Accessories are often what makes an outfit pop out and they definitely say I AM BOLD louder than anything else.

Heart shaped bag accessory: H&amp;MPerfume: Calvin KleinPendant: BulgariRings: OrsayEarrings: I have no idea 😄 They were a present by my mom

Heart shaped bag accessory: H&M

Perfume: Calvin Klein

Pendant: Bulgari

Rings: Orsay

Earrings: I have no idea 😄 They were a present by my mom


#3 Since it's getting kinda chilly outside I wanted to add something knitted and this super super soft pullover is just great. Also I love this type of black tops that are equally simple and sassy.

Both: Terranova

Both: Terranova


#4 And last but not least my favorite thing ever: eyeshadows! If you have never rocked metallic lids you haven't lived haha seriously try this out you'll get addicted. I added my two to-go ring sets here too because they look so cute with any nail polish color.

Eyeshadow pallete: H&amp;MRing sets: H&amp;MChain necklace: Terranova

Eyeshadow pallete: H&M

Ring sets: H&M

Chain necklace: Terranova


Hope my tips and ideas were useful guys and remember: No matter if you choose to add a metallic accessory or a whole piece of clothing to your styling, everything from a phone case to a jacket will sure make you metal AF.


- Nicole