
Inspiration time

I’d like to share with you a small moment filled with inspiration that is part of my favorite self tradition - to take some me time and get recharged and inspired. And what inspires me? Art, always. It could be a drawing, movie, song, photograph, also a magazine page with some kind of innovative graphic design composition or a great piece of writing. It could even be a nice fragrance or a great fashion item especially when I’m watching a runway show because so much design work and ideas and creativity is put in literally any product or project - it’s astonishing. Basically art inspires me to make more art. And it’s a vicious circle of art that I adore.

I usually use my days off work to enjoy and explore quality art and also create some pieces of my own. Last week was no exception and I made my best to devote time to my favorite things. And here are some photos I’d like to share with you.


I have been in love with Vogue magazine since forever. I remember when I was very little and couldn’t read the articles but I loved flipping through my mom’s magazines and getting lost in the beauty of the photographs.

Chanel is a brand I truly love. It’s minimalistic classy concept, the strong women image they represent and empower, Coco’s eternal style, Karl’s new wave of trends - just everything! Whenever I am looking for some fashion inspiration, I know I can trust Chanel in everything. Just look at their couture collections and ads, pure perfection.


David Bowie is one of my favorite artists ever and the reason I say artist is because this man is literally a complete Universe of his own - form his music to his style choices and concept album work and stories, definitely a remarkable individual.


And the best way for me to arrange the inspo space was to add a bit of a mood board feeling with the photos. If you’ve been following me and my blog for some time, you already know that I am a big fan of mood boards. Well that’s because having a visual atmosphere builder that sets the mood is always welcomed and in this case the retro vibe sure is strong.

This actually resulted in me writing two rather jazzy songs which are not my usual style and made me feel that I am broadening my songwriting choices which I find amazing. Hopefully some songs are going to be ready for you soon because I already cannot wait to share them. 🖤

How about you? What inspires you? Do you enjoy creating art and of yes, what type of art?

- Nicole

Midnight confessions of a secret rockstar ★

Midnight confessions of a secret rockstar, well not so secret anymore  o b v i o u s l y. :D :)

I've been wantin' to do this for a while now. I've been waiting for this moment for so long. I wanted to show you my passion, what's drivin' me, what makes me loose myself and then find myself again. But I never knew what it really was. I still don't know what's driving me but it's still there and it's still driving me. So I'm going where it takes me."

I've been writing songs for over 9 years now. I've been telling stories about life, feelings, inspirations and wonders. And I've been finding more of myself with each song, I've been becoming more open, more me, happier and truer. But I rarely even told that to anyone. I rarely sang my songs to them. But the point was always sharing, it was always expressing yourself and sharing those songs everyone feeling or thinking the same, or very different. So I think it's about time I did it right, not only because I enjoy it and want to do it, but to do it right. So now you know my secret. Nice to meet you, me.

A wise man once said "I don't know where I'm going from here but I promise it won't be boring." - David Bowie.

blonde girl guitar music musician fashion style ootd outfit outfits jewelry leather lace alternative sing singer song songwriter songwriting
guitar music lyrics song songs songwriting songwriter acoustic sheet notes
rock n roll rockstar metal leather lace badass alternative ootd flatlay flatlays outfit outfits fashion style girl

P.S. Today 10.01.18. marks two years without this amazing artist and a great inspiration of mine. RIP Bowie, thank you for everything.

david bowie quote quotes boring lyrics song songs songwriting songwriter printed word words

Thank you for taking part in my story by reading this. See you along my journey further. Keep rockin'! :)

- Nicole