
Let's talk about why girl power matters.

Just a word or two from me about the positive changes in society. ♀ ♡

So let's talk about sex, one of the sexes in specific. Women.

I don't know if you know but we are currently making history. We are living in a time when we're witnessing an almost never seen before wave of empowerment and women supporting women. Which is INCREDIBLE and I just feel so lucky to have a chance to witness it. And what's even better - to contribute to it. Because YASSS sis, you rule, you rock, you can do it, you're strong, you're pretty, you're smart!

Since the dawn of time we've been seeing and experiencing the classic - women tear down women. In any way: in movies, in songs, at school, at work, in life, everywhere - and it's been awful.

sophia loren jayne mansfield mean side eye hollywood classic
hannah montana quote mean miley cyrus selena gomez
mean girls regina quote movie
the princess diaries mean quote movie
taylor swift quote girls empowerment support

But why the damn hell? Why have we chosen to show this? To do this? Why did we as a society ever even create this trend? Since it's just crap!? It has been a major deviation from good and meaningful existance. Thank God we finally found our way out. Through honest pure friendship and support!

heidi klum girl pwer quote
nicole kidman women power golden globes award awards quote speech

So I dare you: call, shout, whisper, text something supportive to another woman! Now! 3,2,1.. progress! <3


- Nicole

Why we should stop being "busy" ♥

Do you know what it is? This a sunrise you miss out while being too "busy"preparing for work, eating breakfast, scrolling through your social media.

Do you know what it is? It can be anything. That one thing you regret missing out. Come on, there's at least one that comes to mind immediately.

Think about all the things you are missing out because you're too busy doing something else which is pretty often more or less meaningless. We've all been kinda stuck in this Fight Club quote lately "We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like."

We have started talking about being busy as if it's something great. We have started showing off with not having enough time for something. And we pride ourselves in this, which is the worst. We feel important and valuable, we feel needed here and there, we feel that our lives are full of things. And at the same time we're also kinda honestly sorry that we skip parties, don't call our friends as often as we want to and we don't have "me" time.

You, me, all of us. I'm glad to have finally saw it, and I'm decided to finally fix it.

Because why the hell do we do it? We do it. It's all on us. If there's someone who can change it, it's us. Stop filling up your to do list, tell your friends you miss them, meet them, now, skip a task to go out for a walk, leave your phone at home, wake up earler and have our cup of coffee while watching the sunrise, walk barefoot in the park, watch an oldtime movie. ♥

- Nicole

New hairstyle & hair color

Hello, happy October and happy autumn! As part of my preparation for the new season, the fall trends and all the projects and events coming up for me, I decided to make a style change. So I recently got a new haircolor and hairstyle. Up until now I've been rockin' a long blonde hairstyle with dark ombre roots in my natural brown color. My hair was super long and hippie style, I actually liked it a lot but I felt I wanted to try something new. 

hair hairstyle blonde haircut hairdye dye color gold golden platinum girl nicole blog blogger fashion style trends trend autumn fall season arockchicklife
hair hairstyle blonde haircut hairdye dye color gold golden platinum girl nicole blog blogger fashion style trends trend autumn fall season arockchicklife

I had a pretty clear idea what I wanted my hairstyle to be. I wanted a lighter color and textured hairstyle, shorter bangs and a pinch of 'wild thing' haha becasue I'm a rock chick of course. I did my best to find photos of a color and a hairstyle I liked and then headed for my hairstylist appointment.

And here comes the best part. It's because I've been going to the same hair salon for about two years and the results are just always stunning. My stylist Petia always listens to me when I'm explaining to her what I want for my hair and then she does her magic and Voila! I look exactly as I wanted to. Thank you very much, Petia! :) And this time it was no exception, I was so happy when I got home that I immediately started taking selfies of course haha. If you're following me on Instagram, I bet you saw them in my stories. :D And now I'm ready for autumn and trying out different dos which I have decided to start doing more often in the future so stay tuned for more hair related blog post and photos!

Thank you for reading guys! I'd love to hear about your fave hairstyles, latest haircolor and hairstyle changes and more so tell me in the comments below! :)


- Nicole