long hair dont care

New hairstyle & hair color

Hello, happy October and happy autumn! As part of my preparation for the new season, the fall trends and all the projects and events coming up for me, I decided to make a style change. So I recently got a new haircolor and hairstyle. Up until now I've been rockin' a long blonde hairstyle with dark ombre roots in my natural brown color. My hair was super long and hippie style, I actually liked it a lot but I felt I wanted to try something new. 

hair hairstyle blonde haircut hairdye dye color gold golden platinum girl nicole blog blogger fashion style trends trend autumn fall season arockchicklife
hair hairstyle blonde haircut hairdye dye color gold golden platinum girl nicole blog blogger fashion style trends trend autumn fall season arockchicklife

I had a pretty clear idea what I wanted my hairstyle to be. I wanted a lighter color and textured hairstyle, shorter bangs and a pinch of 'wild thing' haha becasue I'm a rock chick of course. I did my best to find photos of a color and a hairstyle I liked and then headed for my hairstylist appointment.

And here comes the best part. It's because I've been going to the same hair salon for about two years and the results are just always stunning. My stylist Petia always listens to me when I'm explaining to her what I want for my hair and then she does her magic and Voila! I look exactly as I wanted to. Thank you very much, Petia! :) And this time it was no exception, I was so happy when I got home that I immediately started taking selfies of course haha. If you're following me on Instagram, I bet you saw them in my stories. :D And now I'm ready for autumn and trying out different dos which I have decided to start doing more often in the future so stay tuned for more hair related blog post and photos!

Thank you for reading guys! I'd love to hear about your fave hairstyles, latest haircolor and hairstyle changes and more so tell me in the comments below! :)


- Nicole


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birthday present presents gift gifts bday girl blog blogger blonde hair hairstyle beachwaves 23rd birthdayfashion style clothes
birthday present presents gift gifts bday girl balloon balloons blog blogger blonde hair hairstyle beachwaves 23rd birthday fashion style clothes
birthday present presents balloon balloons bday girl blog blogger blonde hair hairstyle beachwaves 23rd birthday fashion style clothes
birthday present presents gift gifts bday blog blogger  23rd birthday fashion style clothes

Hello guys! So I recently celebrated my 23th birthday and I took some time to reflect on the past years. I happen to be a little bit of a thinker so I thought a lot about how I have changed throughout the years and how far I've come in terms of following my dreams and being happy to just be me.

And here are the 23 things I have learned in my life so far. Hope it will be interesting for you to read these and that they will inspire you or teach you something. Enjoy!


#1 Smile. Always smile. It makes everything better.

#2 This quote by Dr. Seuss — 'Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.' is just so true.

#3 Whenever you're sad or confused just look at this. This is happiness: http://imgur.com/gallery/I1TBl29

#4 'It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy.' !

#5 Kindness is the best gift you can give to anyone. Spread it freely.

#6 Life is too short to not do what you want or not chase your dreams. Any minute you waste is a wasted chance to be happier.

#7 The best moments in your live will probably not be in photos because you'll be too busy having fun.

#8 If you're lucky enough to find a true friend, cherish that person/those people and never let them go, they're your treasure.

#9 The sooner you stop caring about pleasing people, the better.

#10 A good laugh and a hug can heal anything and instantly make you feel better.

#11 You are never too old for cartoons, jumping around when you're happy and openly talking about even the smallest things that excite you and you genuinely care about.

#12 You don't need to be perfect to be happy, look at all the people you love with all your heart and how their imprefections don't matter to you.

#13 It's totally fine if your brain is '99% quotes and lyrics'. You're probably a great and fun person to talk to.

#14 Things are not always what you expect them to be. So this is a list of only 14 things, not 23 although I said so. Life often surprises you and you should always expect the unexpected. Hopefully it'll be a good surprise.

So thank you for reading. :) I hope you found something you liked and will remember. Now I wanna hear your favorite quotes and inspiring statements in the comments below! :)


- Nicole