
Dream (map) big

I’ve been wondering what’s the best way to start this article because we all seem to try to appear as realists and racionalists, we say we don’t believe in destiny or supersticions or…big dreams. And we do it as if it would make us look wiser, smarter or (how could it possibly?!) happier…


Personally, I’ve always approached any new hting on the orizon with a pinch of faith as well as a pinch of doubt. And I did the same when I found out about dream maps a few years ago. I found some information while researching furthe ron my favourite mood boards and it really seemed great to me that visulization could could actualy help your dreams come true. Well, it sounded a bit too good to be true but still kinda cool.

And basically that was it. I soon forgot about what I have read. Until last autumn I met Dari wo told me all about dream maps and how she has created a brand that provides people with a DIY dream map kit to start their journey to makign their dreams come true.

Dari’s products are two - the Dream map we are talking about ( that you can see more about here: https://dflowlab.eu) as well as Pop art portrety - special kind of personalized image portrait that are also DIY as you need to paint the canvas for the “magical” image to appear on it. (see more here: https://www.popartportrety.eu)

We quickly found a topic to discuss - dreams and determination to give your best and achieve your goals. And Dari even gave me one of her amazing dream map kits and my dream map adventure began.

P.S. I can’t wait to tell you and I’ll spoil it by confessing now - it’s kinda unbelievable but the dream map really does work. Psychologists may have said it a thousand times that confidence and positivity improve our chances for success but we don’t quite believe it until we find proof ourselves. In fact the dream map helps you attract positive energy that on the other hand can help our dreams come true and trust me some of my dreams really were almost impossible. I don’’t know what you’re thinking while reading this but all I know is that even I still can’t wrap my head around it although the fact that it’s all happening to me.


What is a dream map? It’s generally a big plan that includes all areas of your life illustrated by beautiful pictures curated to symbolize what exactly the definition of success in this certiin area is to you. You create your dream map yourself by chosing the pictures to and arrange them for your different goals. The process includes putting lots of faith and positivity in the map. what you need to do once the map is ready is place it at a visible place where you can daily use it to review your goals and visualize your success. The magic of the map attracts good luck and helps you make your dreams come true. Trust me, I tested it myself and it does work indeed! ;)

I followed Dari’s advise to create my map in a period of changes and new beginnings :) the new year did not start very well for me so I decided to reset it with changes and decision in the end of January.

• I chose a sunny Sunday afternoon and worked on the map on my desk under winter sunrays. A cup of coffe and my favourite playlist were there to support me and I was ready for goalsetting. I made sure to give myself a few hours so I can focus and create the map.

I read all information about the map first so that I know what I should do.

• I evaluated all 9 sectors and started brainstorming what my goals would be for each one of them.

I cut out all images and arranged the most suitable for my map accordingly.

• I started with sector number 5 and the topic of health, mindfulness and personal development and then continued working on other sectors.


• I chose some very big and some smaller and simpler tasks for each sectro - in order to have some balance

• I filled in the Dream accelerator page as well

• I chose a visible place to put the map so I can foten look at it and use it as inspiration and motivation


The whole experience was great for me, very colourful and fun. I’m a big fan of all DIY projects and all I can say is Yay! Anyway the best part started later actually because once the map was ready I found myself waiting for new things to start happening but it seemed like nothing was happening. And that was when suddenly so many things started happening that I just couldn’t believe it. Everything improved even in areas where I though it was not really possible. So for a couple of weeks I managed to meet and talk to some incredible people. to amke some long postponed big decisions, I luckily managed to find tickets for upcoming events I really liked that seemed sold out, I also made a complete rebranding of my blog and got back to writing and photoshoots which I totally adore, as well as I made some special hobby projects I would love to share soon. I found collaborators for some amazing new ideas and now I also can’t wait to see the great upcoming surprises.

The dream map was very easy and nice to work on while it’s so powerful. Having a chance to see your dreams become true surely is a great reason to give something a try so I dare you to do it. And if you follow my recommendation make sure to tell me and Dari all about your dreams coming true. :)

- Nicole

Happy new year - unusual 2020 wishes

More than a week into the new year, I started realizing that we may not have made the best possible wishes for 2020. Why? Not because we have not wished each other great things, but because they were just not really thought through. What we really need are not simply those “happiness, luck, success”.

So I’d like to mention a rather neglected but very important thing that we need - decisiveness. Truth is that no one wakes up on January 1st happier, smarker, prettier, wiser or with a better life. So no matter how well we have planned our new year resolutions, written them in our planners or told about them to all of our friends - they don’t really mean a thing unless we get down to work and make them come true.

Soemhing great is the fact that we can literally any minute do something small that would accumulate to further success and getting closer to making those plans and dreams come true. :) Sometimes an email, a simple conversation or a phone call could be the first step and could both help us and motivate us so that we believe more in our success. . :)


It’s important to be decisive because no moment is ever perfect, the muse doesn’t come when we need it to and it’s all about getting to work in the very moment of NOW!

And since it’s very trendy to say how next year we’ll all be different, we’ll do things differently or we’ll start anew - I did the exact oposite and spend the first few days of the new year finishing tasks and projects I have started in the previous one. Because proving we are serious about getting things done is more important ad better than jus hittign the button of a rather fake Restart. And this was a great decision because this way I proved that I am decisive and really finish all I set my heart to. :)

And speaking of unusual, form all the wishes for the new year that I recently got, the most meaningful ones were actually the unusual because they were all about cherishing the small things in life, to keep on being artsy, to stay focused and ambitious ad to believe in myself and my dreams.

So I also have some unusual wishes for you for the beginning of the new year. Of course I also want to wish you health, happines, luck etc. but that sounds kind of generic while I would like to make it more personalized:

be decisive

don't postpone today's work on tomorrow

dont postpone making your dreams come true, don’t wait for tomorrow, or summer or any other time but now

dont forget where you wanna go and you have a 100% bigger chance to actually do so

start a new book - today

smile more

enjoy the sunset (and if you manage to get up early enough - the sunrise as well)

show the people around you how much they mean to you

finish what you’ve started

challenge yourself to try what you are afraid to to

believe that nothing is impossible


Thank you for visiting my blog in 2020 and I really hope you enjoyed reading about my weird approach to wishes! One of the things I have promised myself to do more often is write on the blog so see you around soon!

- Nicole